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Home Learning

Learning at home is an essential part of a broad and balanced education. Regular homework is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practise and consolidate at home, learning that has been carried out in class. It provides opportunity for children to undertake more detailed research and to further develop specific skills. It also helps pupils to become confident, independent learners, building skills they will need throughout their time at school and into adult life. The foundations of effective homework practices are established early on, develop progressively across the key stages and support effective transition to the secondary phase, where homework is mandatory.

A Working Partnership

Parents and children are obliged to take responsibility for the completion of homework. In order to ensure that parents are able to actively participate with their child, the Governing Body requires The School to facilitate parents’ understanding of the methodology and strategies applied to learning in the key subject areas in achieving their objectives. To this end, the school will provide information to the parents via written material and open meetings or workshops as appropriate.

What parents are expected to do to help children learn:

  1. Give the child confidence through lots of praise and encouragement.
    • Parents have tremendous power to strengthen children’s confidence – and confidence is vital to learning.
    • Provide specific praise that focuses on a particular aspect of their work. Comments such as “I like the way you have…” is more effective than “You’re clever”.
  2. Read to, and with their child as much as possible.
    • ‘Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body’
  3. Encourage their child to observe and talk about what they see, feel, think etc.
    • Even young children can be helped to read notices and signs, for example, and understand what they mean.
  4. Make use of their local library.
    • Look out for special events and services for children.

Please find below, useful websites which can support home learning and supplement the work set by class teachers.  If you click on a link, it should take you straight to that website.  If it doesn’t, copy the link and paste it into the search bar.

You can also call the ‘National Home Learning Support Line’, also known as StarLine.  This line is open 6 days a week and is staffed by teachers and Ofsted Inspectors, providing advice and support with regards to home learning. The helpline is designed to help parents and carers access resources, create regular routines and study habits including:

  • support with a specific topic
  • advice on how to structure the day
  • deal with difficult behaviour
  • manage the learning of several children

The number to call is: 0333 313 9162 (all calls are charged a local rate)

Keeping your child safe online


General websites /other areas of the curriculum


As always, we recommend lots of reading and sharing stories for all children!

