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Hope Perseverance Respect Compassion Peace Forgiveness

Our curriculum is centred around 3 principles of Christian teaching, Be Positive, Be Ready, Be kind, we encourage independence and debate in all we do so that our pupils develop the courage to stand up for what is right and develop confidence to let their light shine.

Be Positive: We all have different gifts. Each gift came because of the grace that God gave us.’ Romans 12:4

We recognise that every one of us have gifts and talents, which need to be nurtured and celebrated. We will ensure that each child can grow and flourish during their time with us. We will support all our children to build firm foundational skills which are rooted in our Christian values. Here, education has no limits; every member of our school has the potential to be utterly brilliant.

Be Ready: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13. We strongly believe that our children are capable of all things and we aim to empower and equip them to be the best that they can be and to reach their full potential. We seek to inspire and celebrate a deep love of learning and act as role models who shine the light of Christ. Jesus empowered his disciples through the way he lived and the love and respect he showed to everyone. God can empower each and every one of us to become more like Jesus.

Be Kind: ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ John 13:34-35.God created everyone and formed us in his own image. We are all special and unique. We need to respect each other, respect the world we live in and respect ourselves. It is important that we treat others the same way that we would like to be treated. We each form a thread of the rich tapestry of life and need to value the differences that create the bigger picture.

Our Christian values of peace, forgiveness, respect, compassion, perseverance and hope will empower learners to make the correct choices, develop socially and lead by example. The children have learnt about 6 Bible Stories that support these values.

Noah and Perseverance

Noah showed great perseverance to save the animals and his family by building an ark to protect them from a devastating flood. Although he followed God’s instructions and warned many people, they didn’t believe him and laughed at him. God promised Noah that he would protect Noah and would never send a flood again.  God sent a beautiful rainbow so people would never forget his promise and remind them to persevere to always be good Christians.

(Genesis chapters 6-9)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is disappointment, may we have perseverance.

Resurrection and Hope

Jesus was always a symbol of hope to many people throughout his life. When he died, his followers were saddened and worried that they would no longer be forgiven for their sins, as he had the power to forgive sins. But when Jesus was resurrected, he taught his disciples that he had died so that all sin can be forgiven and gave hope to his people that they too can return to God in Heaven if they try to be a good Christian.

(John chapter 20)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is fear, may we have hope.

Joseph and Forgiveness

Forgiveness is showing kindness and respect to those who do not show kindness or may have caused hurt or sadness. After many years of unkindness from his brothers, Joseph had an opportunity to help them and not seek revenge. His brothers were desperate for food and went to find help, they didn’t recognize Joseph. Joseph explained who he was and hugged his brothers. He gave them the food they needed and showed them forgiveness and kindness.

(Genesis chapter 44 and 45)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is blame, may we have forgiveness.

Roman Centurion and Respect

There was a Roman Centurion who was very mighty and powerful. He had many servants and respect from his people. When one of the Roman Centurion’s servants became unwell, he knew of Jesus’ healing powers and asked for Jesus’ help, even though he wasn’t a follower of Jesus. When Jesus arrived, the centurion said, ‘I am not worthy to have you under my roof’, but Jesus knew how much the Centurion was respected and believed that he was a good man so wanted to help heal his servant.

(Matthew Chapter 8)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is rudeness, may we have respect.

Jesus Calms the Storm and Peace

One night Jesus and his disciples were fishing. The weather became very stormy, and his disciples felt scared and in danger. Jesus commanded, ‘peace, be still’, and the wind and the waves became still and calm once again. Jesus explained to his disciples that if his followers have faith in him then he can help them find peace in their lives, just like how he calmed the storm.

(Mark Chapter 4)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is worry, may we have peace.

Good Samaritan and Compassion

A man was travelling one day when he was robbed and beaten. Many others passed by, including people of his own kind and left him by the side of the road. A Samaritan, who was not a friend to the man, came by and showed him mercy by stopping to help him. He cared for his wounds and took him to a place of safety to rest and recover. The Samaritan chose to show compassion to the stranger in need, even though they were not friends.

(Luke Chapter 10)

Dear God,

Please help us to always be positive, ready and kind. Where there is selfishness, may we have compassion.

School Prayer written by our Faith Group

How Does Boxted St Peter’s promote Spirituality?

Spirituality is a core component to ‘living life in all its fullness’ as the mind, body and soul needs to be nurtured equally. It relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone and is not dependant on a religious belief. It is also based on the search for ways to answer questions about life and a search for identity.