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Hope Perseverance Respect Compassion Peace Forgiveness

Our curriculum has been designed to cover all of the skills, knowledge and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. We then enhance the National Curriculum by ensuring that it relates to our locality and the heritage of our pupils. In addition, we enrich learning through providing opportunities, visits, visitors and experiences that build real-life learning.

To ensure that pupils develop secure knowledge, skills and understanding that they can build on, our curriculum is organised into a progression model that  outlines the knowledge, vocabulary and skills to be taught in a sequentially coherent way in each year group. All aspects of the curriculum are carefully mapped out to ensure that pupils build on secure prior knowledge so that they can make meaningful connections. Each subject taught has its own progression grid, designed by the curriculum leader for that subject.

When covering each subject, the progression grids will be carefully organised by each year group through a long-term plan. Knowledge, vocabulary and skills will then be planned for at a greater level of detail in medium term plans. All subjects are delivered through subject specific teaching organised into blocks under a theme if suitable. Meaningful links with other subjects are made to strengthen connections and understanding for pupils.


The National Curriculum sets out the minimum content. At Boxted, we make sure children learn additional skills, knowledge and understanding. For example:

  • Our curriculum is underpinned by our Christian Values (Perseverance, Hope, Forgiveness, Respect, Compassion & Peace). Children are taught these through whole school and class worship.
  • Alongside our curriculum we teach our Code of Conduct through our PSHCE lessons. These are skills that we believe children should be explicitly taught; skills and habits they will need as life-long learners .
  • We offer a range of after school clubs and opportunities, which go beyond the statutory requirements (anything from Fencing to Big Art club).
  • We learn from our local community: community members attend out Maths Career Convention and local artists turn our hall into an art gallery.


Curriculum Delivery Documents:

Writing Curriculum Delivery Document        Reading Curriculum Delivery document        Maths Curriculum Delivery Document

Science Curriculum Delivery Document        Geography Curriculum Delivery                    History Curriculum Delivery Document

RE Curriculum Delivery Document                PE Curriculum Delivery Document                Computing Curriculum Delivery Document

PSHE Curriculum Delivery Document            Music Curriculum Delivery Document           DT Curriculum Delivery Document 

Art Curriculum Delivery Document


Curriculum Progression Documents

Writing Progression in Skills                       Reading Progression Document                  Maths Progression in Skills Document Years 1-6

Science Progression Document                   Geography Progression Document              History Progression Document

RE Progression RE long term plan                          PE Progression Document                           Computing Progression Document

PSHE Progression Document                       Music Progression Document                      DT Progression Document

Art Progression Document


Curriculum Intention and Progression by Subject


French Curriculum Intention and Progression